Dear Friends,
As we approach Thanksgiving, our hearts turn to the growing number of people in our neighbourhoods who struggle with food security. I encourage us to search our pantries, to visit the grocery store, and/or donate money – all of which will be donated to the WAES Food Bank.
The needs are persistent, but especially so for people at Thanksgiving where we celebrate family and the provision of food from our God.
We are focusing on gathering items that offer quality protein, such as: peanut butter, tinned meats and fish, beans, and lentils. Your support will bring relief and warmth to people. Let’s be generous!
If you are in need of food, please reach out to the Ministry Team at St. Mary & St. Martha. We will assist you as best as we can.
Our refrain as followers of Jesus: Love God, Love Neighbour. Let’s put it in action!
Yours with Gratitude,
P.S. Join with me and our community in Worship this Sunday at 10:30 am as we give thanks for the harvest and the bounty of the earth.