Reaching out to our neighbours has always been an important part of our life, and that continues in many different ways. In a spirit of faith-filled gratitude, we share what God provides so that everyone has enough, and strive to pass on our faith in Jesus Christ to other
Food Access
Our part of town has been identified as a “priority neighbourhood” by the city. One of the ways we are collaborating with our neighbours to improve life here is in the area of food access. We have an onsite food cupboard to help those with immediate food insecurity needs.
Neighbourhood Collaboration
There are so many great organizations working towards the good of the neighbourhood, and we want to partner with and encourage this work as much as possible. So far we have collaborated with groups like UrbanArts, which runs various programming for youth, and the Mount Dennis Community Association, which puts on great community events throughout the year like Party by the Pond.
We contribute to FaithWorks, the Anglican Diocese of Toronto’s ongoing appeal for those in need. Since 1996 FaithWorks has provided more than $24 million to not-for-profit groups offering help and hope to those in need not only in the Greater Toronto Area but throughout Canada’s far north and around the world.