New here?

We are a community of people seeking to
love God & love our Neighbour.
Wherever you are in your spiritual journey,
you are welcome here. 

Come to experience God’s unconditional love, lift your voice in worship, and spend time in prayer and reflection. Meet friends and neighbours at our upcoming events, and reach out with confidential prayer requests. Ask important questions, discover ways to give back, and live as a sign of God’s love in the world. Don’t hesitate to contact us to find out more.

Sundays @ 10:30am, in-person & online

Wednesdays @ noon, followed by a light lunch

1149 Weston Road, Toronto, M6N 3S3

For more information on weddings, funerals, baptism, and other milestones please fill out a connection card or call the parish office (416) 766-1887.

Free street parking is available on Weston Road, as well as in the Toronto Public Library parking at the back of the church facilities. We ask that church parking off of Weston Road be reserved only for those with mobility needs on Sundays. 

St. Mary & St. Martha is also accessible via TTC. Hop on the 32 (Eglinton Ave. West) and get off at Weston Road, or the 89 (Weston) and get off at Eglinton Ave. West.

We are continually improving our facilities to achieve full accessibility. Please reach out if you have an accessibility need.

When you arrive at the church facilities, there are two entrances: 

  1. one at the corner of Weston & Eglinton, which is the best one to use Sunday mornings;
  2. a second entrance, located off Weston Road parking lot (red double doors). This entrance is best to use Monday through Saturday.

If you are arriving for a Sunday service our welcome team will offer you a service guide to navigate through worship.  You can also follow along using the screens. Feel free to participate in the worship service in whatever way feels comfortable.  

We worship in the Anglican tradition and follow a prepared “liturgy,” which simply means we follow a particular order of service. The liturgy walks us through the wonderful story of Jesus Christ in a sequence that brings home the good news of God’s grace to us. Our services are grounded in Book of Common Prayer (BCP), which finds its roots in the original prayer book when the Anglican Church began in the 1500s.

If this is new to you please join in only when you are comfortable. You’ll get the hang of it after a few tries. Look out for Stand, Sit, and Sit/Kneel  instructions in our service guides. In general, we stand to praise, sit to learn and sit/kneel to pray. Bold print directs you to join in unison.


Three weeks a month we celebrate Holy Communion, also called “The Lord’s Supper.” We gather together to hear God’s Word, to pray, and to experience our Lord’s presence with us in bread and wine. In this service we remember and give thanks to God for his love in the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ.

All Baptised followers of Jesus are welcome to receive at the Lord’s table. 

      • If you’d prefer pray, simply cross your arms
      • Gluten-free wafer are available upon request
      • Communion can be brought to you if needed
      • Follow the instructions of our Welcome Team 



With God’s help, everything we do is made possible by those who pray, serve, and give.

During the service a plate will be passed for a monetary collection.  You can either place your contribution in an envelope (available at the welcome table), or follow this link for electronic means to give.

Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more. Tax receipts are issued in February for the previous year.

More information on giving can be found by following the link.

We love to welcome new families into the SM&SM Children & Youth ministry. All people, no matter what age, are included in the full life of the community. Join us each Sunday morning during the 10:30am service as we learn more about God in a fun and engaging environment. 

Babies & toddlers are welcome to stay with their parents/guardians during the service; there is a dedicated play and praise area at the back of the sanctuary with various activities for our smallest worshipers. Additionally, there is space on the lower level to attend to their needs.

In our family program, we acknowledge that each young person has their own, unique, and personal relationship with God. We focus on the sermon series and highlight practical parts of the faith. We gather every Sunday at 10:30am to have fruitful conversations in our youth room, “The Den,” for the duration of the service. Children and youth host a Family Parish Service every fifth Sunday, and we enjoy family outing events throughout the year. 

Each Sunday, children and youth gather together with the wider community for snacks after the service. This is a fun time for young people to spend time together and meet new people. 

Children (Grades 1-7) At SM&SM,  Children’s ministry is dedicated to introducing and fostering lasting relationships between our children and God as well as their peers. Our children are setting the path to becoming future leaders. We offer a fun, and engaging program with a safe space for children to learn about the love of Christ and establish relationships with God and one other.

Youth LIT (Grades 8-12) Youth ministry is dedicated to providing opportunities for growth and application of faith in Jesus, creating a space for them to ask the big questions in a safe and judgment-free space. Our youth leadership team of dedicated staff and volunteers lead relevant discussions, Bible studies, games, and activities.

We focus on looking at the bigger picture and where we fit in, finding areas for peer leadership and volunteer opportunities, the transition from high school to university/college, and promoting lasting Christ-filled friendships. 

Come as you are!

In our community some prefer to “dress up” for worship, some are casual; please wear what you are comfortable with. 

After the worship service the community gathers together for refreshments in the Parish Hall for up to an hour. This is a weekly opportunity to connect with those in our community. We hope you will join in if your schedule allows. 

Like all Christians, we are a community of people seeking to know, love, and follow Jesus in our place and time. That means faithfully sharing God’s love in the world around us and inviting everyone to join in … it is the journey of a lifetime! Our faith is anchored in confessing God as Father, Son and Holy Spirit and striving to live according to the promises we make at baptism. With God’s help, we promise:

  • To continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers.
  • To persevere in resisting evil and, whenever we fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord.
  • To proclaim by word and example the good news of God in Christ.
  • To seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbour as ourself.
  • To strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being.
  • To safeguard the integrity of God’s creation and respect, sustain, and renew the life of the earth.


St. Mary & St. Martha Anglican Church is one of over 200 congregations in the Anglican Diocese of Toronto, and part of the Anglican Church of Canada. Over 85 million Christians around the world belong to the Anglican Communion and so we represent wonderful diversity while united in our common faith.